We're Up and Running (probably)

Welcome. Or welcome back? If you’ve made it this far, you’ve reached the end of the line. Or is it the beginning? 

This is my very first post and a test run of the formatting. I can only assume you’ve made it here because you’ve read everything else on the site. Or maybe you’re like Everwake and are an ever-completionist and *need* to start from the beginning. Well, you’re here, wherever that may be. 

Hope you’ll stick around. We watch movies here.

The first post and we've already run off the road (Image: Carnival of Souls, 1962)


  1. "you’ve reached the end of the line. Or is it the beginning?" Ah, a continuous narrative loop. Just like the story in the seminal portmanteau horror, Dead of Night (1945). It is good to watch movies.


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